Welcome to Kiddism

Laying the foundation for tomorrow.

Welcome to Our Kindergarten! Nurturing Little Minds and Growing Big Hearts!

About Kiddism

Encouraging development Growth.

We at KIDDISM believe that every child is unique and needs personal attention. Holistic development as a concept, we see every child as a whole person- physically, intellectually, emotionally, socially, culturally, morally and spiritually. We help the child build an identity for one-self as an individual making the child adaptable to all societal & cultural diversity that our Nation flourishes with. The stages of development in each of these areas is well understood such that we can assess where a child is compared to the general norm.

playschool whitefield
Our Classes

Fun and Study Together


"Providing a safe, nurturing environment for your little one - that's our top priority at ABC Day Care!"


"Come join us at our playgroup and make lasting friendships and memories!"


Enrich Your Child's Future with a Quality Education at Our Nursery!

Junior KG

Introduce your little one to the exciting world of learning with our Junior KG!

Senior KG

"Discover a world of learning and fun with our Senior KG group !"

Kiddism preschool
Online Submission

Join Our Fun Class with other Classmate

Children develop physically from the top down – so first gaining awareness and increasing control of the head, then arms down to legs and feet. Gross Motor Skills – the movement and control of large muscle groups for walking, running, jumping and climbing and Fine Motor Skills – involving fine and precise movement of the hands and fingers for drawing, writing, using a knife or tying knots. The physical nature also includes sensory development, the information received into the brain from the senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch, proprioception (the sense of awareness of where the mobile parts of the body, such as arms and legs, are in relation to the rest of the body) and balance.


Parent Say About Kiddism.


(176 Review)
Thank you ALL !
Just these words will not conclude all that i feel about the school. "KIDDISM" is the best school, with the best teachers, Management and the best atmosphere to the kids. I am fully happy & Satisfied the way my son has been molded and brought up in the school the entire credit goes to the staff & Management.
I would give 5 out of 5 stars.
Kiddism preschool is an amazing place that is very clean and has great staff, and is very welcoming. Ever since enrolling in my kid, I have seen many improvements.the classrooms are colorful and full of work. The children and teachers did so get this good and positive energy as you walk in, and the staff is amazing too. They take much care of my baby it makes me happy to send her off and know she will be taken care of. Thank you...
Aruna S
Ex.Senior financial analyst

Learning made fun


The Preschool curriculum aims to promote the following areas:

Personal, Social and Emotional Development.

Language Development.

Physical Development and Movement.

The Arts.

Early Mathematical Experiences.

The World around Us- Nature and Environment.